Independence 2.0 - Bangladesh

July 36, 2024

Probably you are a bit confused, why it's July 36, 2024 ??? Bangladesh my motherland got its independence in 1971. Till then the country observed every kinds of regime, dictatorship, military juntas, democracy and at last, fascism. The architect behind the fascism is the most popular political party of Bangladesh Awami League (BAL), which is the reason we got our independence in 1971. After lots of ups and downs the BAL got the opprtunity to run the govt. in 2009.

People of the country chose them to run the country with full support for 5 years. But they started thinking them as the messiah of Bangladesh and remained in power for more than 15 years in total that means a total of 4 consecutive terms. In the meanwhile their leaders looted the country, oppressed its people, killed oppositions, in general they started doing what a dictator does on the wrapper of a democratic govt.

People of the country had enough up until the recent quota reformation movement where students demanded a justfiable reformation of the current quota system in govt jobs. It is quite a witty design by the govt. to place their puppets inside their ministries who will only worship BAL only. Students started protesting and BAL started creating pressure with its goons and police force. Things escalated for the whole month of July and at last students managed to make BAL resign.

Students who are the Generation Z aka tiktok generation successfully managed to remove the fascist govt from the country and let its people free from the shackle of master slave architecture. BAL tried everything from the year it came to chair to break the spine of the countries youth by manipulating board exams, creating foul and disgusting textbooks for students, injecting BAL propaganda only to young minds, still those young minds showed the world that their spine is intact.

It's not broken and Bangladeshi spines will never break down by injustice. We fight we live.

To be continued...